Thursday, April 14, 2011

My New Additions...

Four weeks ago, I brought home four new additions to my flock. Two White Rocks and two Araucanas. When they were 1-2 days old, I picked up my girls at William's Farm and Garden. They have adjusted well, and have given me and my family joy every day since.

That was until at 2.5 weeks of age, my brooder lamp fell and seriously injured one of my Araucanas, Rozella, and she passed away four days later. It was a very sad time and for those few days, Rozella spent her final days in my bedroom. I fed her with a medicine dropper and spent a lot of time with her to try to make up for her being isolated. I knew from her behavior that she suffered major brain trauma. She passed away on her own, which was somewhat of a relief because I dreaded having to cull her.
Although we lost, Rozella, she will not be forgotten. My kids talk about her almost every day. They express how much they miss her but also discuss how cute, loveable and fun she was in the short two and a half weeks we had her. It is very sad, but at the same time, it is also a teaching moment for my children. A small lesson about life, death, love and appreciation. Its a lesson that touches the heart a bit better than flushing the goldfish down the toilet.

The other three are doing very well and getting big. They are now hanging out closer to us when it is play time outside. They seem very happy and healthy, and they are so much fun to be around. Just yesterday, I was watching them play in the back yard, and Stella was the first to fly up onto my daughter. It was cute. I forgot just how well the little buggers fly when they are small.  Of course, once one does something, its not long after the others follow.

I love them, and can not seem to say enough to express the excitement I have about each and every one of my girls. I am  lucky to have Krisann to share the excitement with. She herself has just introduced three of the cutest Auraucanas to her flock as well as two Black Copper Marans she adopted from S and S Poultry. It is these amazingly gorgeous Black Copper Marans that will be providing me my next additions when it is time (refer back to my "Chicken Math" blog if you are shaking your head right about now).  I am also looking forward to when I can introduce my new girls to my original flock. When I take them out to play, I bring them over but away from the older girls. I do this so they can see and slowly get use to each other. Then, when it is time to join them, it won't be a complete shock or hard adjustment, and hopefully they will be welcomed with opened wings.

I am a little concerned that one of the she's just might be a he. It is way to soon to tell, but there are subtle signs that GG might just be renamed to Gustave or "Gus Gus".  His/her feathers are very slow to grow in. The other girls look as if their feathers have completely come in while GG looks quite ragged. Other signs are the size difference, chest bumping, and the slight domination he/she has over the others. There could be other explanations for these signs, but nonetheless, the concern is there. Who knows, if GG is Gus Gus, maybe just maybe, Polly will have a boyfriend and baby White Rocks will be in their future... I said maybe.

So, say hi to GG, Stella and Polly. I hope to keep you up to date on their growth, progress, and if GG really is Gus or not. I haven't been the greatest about keeping up on the progress of my other girls. They are fantastic and I promise they haven't had any lack of attention because of the new additons. I look forward to posting more stories and pictures in the near future. Untill then...

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